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Who am I and how did I become
a Neuro Creativity™Artist, Coach, Teacher?

Born into a war-torn family...

My name is Sylvia Becker-Hill. I was born in 1967 in Düsseldorf, Germany. As an only child, I was brought up by both my parents and my mother's parents who were deeply traumatized by their experiences and suffering as refugees in the second world war. I escaped the confinement and depression of the adults around me by creating my own magical fantasy world, reading widely from an early age.

​As a teenager, I started mingling in the art scene of Düsseldorf, home to a world-famous art academy, numerous modern art museums, and avant-garde art galleries. My desire to study art was overridden by my loyalty to my parents and their advice to pursue a safe and secure career in public service. But by doing this
 I buried my longing for free creative self-expression in a hidden pocket of my soul.

Many years later -  in my fifties - after extensive research, education, and two university degrees in philosophy, linguistics, literature, educational science, early childhood development, administrative science, and gender studies, and over twenty-five plus years working as an executive coach and leadership trainer - I had been a pioneer of the coaching industry and the first German coach to get certified by the ICF as a Professional Certified Coach in summer of 2002 - I finally made my way back to my dream of being an artist during the covid lockdown in 2020.

I believe creativity is your birthright and suppressed creativity leads to in-authenticity, depression, and sickness. From a business and economic perspective, a famous global IBM study from 2010 among 1500+ executives worldwide identified creativity as the most important leadership competency. The growing need to manage complexity through innovation made creativity paramount for executive leadership in the current millennium.

What is Neuro Creativity™? 

My innocent question from my early childhood "How can I make my parents happy?" turned later as an adult into a focused research around the question:

"What do we humans need to live fulfilled lives and how can we change sustainably?"

Obviously, the answers evolved in alignment with technological evolution and the progress of sciences like psychology and applied neuroscience. "Coaching" was my answer in 1997 when I launched my executive coaching business in Germany under the name "Commitment - Coaching the Passion in People".

Historically the industry of coaching started with a strong focus on "mindset changes" as the key to higher levels of success. Inspired by many old books about success principles and the philosophy of success with a touch of ethics and antique philosophy. Then came a phase of "emotional intelligence" as being the #1 missing thing for performance improvement. That was followed by an avalanche of books about applied neuroscience into the mainstream and "brain hacking" and "lifestyle hacking" became trends. The "how" of change - individual and of systems - with a strong focus on "habits" for the former and the rise of "systemic thinking" triggered a small avalanche of bestselling books everyone interested in self-help and personal development knew about. Parallel the strong wall between therapy and coaching became more diffuse. Trauma research revolutionized the understanding of trauma - with differentiation small-t from big-T and PTSD from cPTSD - and more interdisciplinary connections were made between neuroscientific discoveries about the role of the subconscious mind, how decisions are made, the questions about willpower and freedom... and trauma research, attachment theory, coping mechanisms, self-sabotage, and habit creation.
Societal changes like diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender fluidity, and the acknowledgment of neuro-diversity caused huge ripple effects in the coaching world.

Coaching evolved and integrated all of that while redefining its boundaries with therapy. Being a passionate life-long learner with an insatiable hunger for reading I kept up with most trends and invested in often 9 to 12 months-long certification programs investing over the years on top of my university degrees over half a million dollars into my education.

As a coach one of my top values was right from the beginning "sustainability". I wanted not only to coach my clients for their specific current goals but also to empower them to transform themselves into powerful liberated authentic creative vital beings. Struggling with many self-sabotaging patterns over many decades myself I was committed to finding the "holy grail of human change".

It became obvious to me there is no "magic pill" and no "one size fits all".

(If you go to my Amazon author profile page you'll find many books I contributed to over the past 22 years that reflect some pieces of my research and personal journey of becoming.) 

I was committed, passionate, and courageous. I added different meditation techniques, consciousness-expanding processes, and attention-management skills to my change toolbox. Finding energy methods
- for example, Emotional Freedom Technique 2009 - that led to astounding fast emotional breakthroughs and tangible neuroplastic effects on my brain and that of my clients made me happy beyond words. Discovering somatic research, reconnecting my own head with the rest of my body, and being finally able to sense the inner world within my body and now being able to open this world to my clients is satisfying to an undescribable degree!
I never gave up. Confidently and curiously I kept learning, expanding my repertoire of coaching tools, and progressing with my change-mastery...

I graduated in 2020 successfully from the Color of Women Intentional Creativity
® Program as a Certified Intentional Creativity® Teacher and in 2021 as a Certified Motherboard Intentional Creativity® Coach with Shiloh Sophia, founder of the MUSEA global art movement. I integrated Shiloh's technique as one of the three main "legs" of my proprietary framework and change-modality-mix called Neuro Creativity™.

Neuro Creativity combines Intentional Creativity with my 25+ years of diverse coaching certifications - with in recent years a strong focus on somatic coaching - with 25+ years of working with thousands of executives and business leaders worldwide with my pioneering work of rooting my coaching practice in applied neuroscience for over 20 years from which I received in recent years multiple certifications culminating in 2023 to become one of the first 10 Certified Master Neuroplasticians worldwide

Neuro Creativity™ is not a magic pill nor a one-size-fits-all approach to human change. It is the most powerful framework I know to show people how to change on all levels of their existence - mentally, emotionally, physically, actionable, and spiritually - easier, faster, and most importantly: sustainably. It consists of skills, tools, and processes.

At the core of Neuro Creativity
™ is the transformation of the person itself.
From disconnected from their source, power, freedom, energy, and love to full access to all of it.
From unconsciously fear-driven, externally distracted, and defined to present, conscious, intentional, soul-guided, creative self-expression.

It is an exciting journey of discovery and expansion I am on and if you feel called to make the most out of your one glorious life, then I invite you to join me.
Certificate for Intentional Creativity Teacher Training

Who am I privately

I live with my New Zealand-born American husband and our two UCSD college-attending German-born sons in a Southern California garden paradise full of old citrus trees, hummingbirds, and wild rabbits. When I'm not empowering leaders around the world in coaching sessions using Zoom, having a small group of clients enjoying a painting playshop in my outdoor studio in my backyard, or leading a book club or philosophical discussion in my library filled with around 1500 books you will find me reading in my hammock or painting in my whimsical art studio nestled under the shade of a California pepper tree at the back of our garden.

I have a fulfilling social life with a private circle of friends, am with my husband a passionate member and sometimes facilitator of the San Diego Brain Club, and travel multiple times a year to Germany to visit my sweet mother, and to nurture relationships from my German past and with European clients. I am not a sports fan but love swimming, pilates, yoga, tap dancing, and cold water walking inspired by Dr. Sebastian Kneipp, the forefather of the naturopathic movement. My kryptonite are historic romance movies, sci-fi neuro-thrillers, and documentaries about forgotten women artists and pioneers in different fields.

I utilize modern technology like AI consciously and strategically for research and editing my many books projects and articles, while also ignoring social media and online distractions as much as possible to protect my boundaries and focus.

If you want to truly connect with me I prefer the good old telephone conversation retro style! Here you go: +1 - 248 613 8965, 9 am till 5 pm Mo till Fr

I wish you a wonderful creative day!
P.S. In case I have not yet overwhelmed you with my abundance of information and enthusiasm for human deliberate evolution, google my name "Sylvia Becker-Hill". I'm a Renaissance woman, multipotentialite, and polymath. You will find a plethora of podcast interviews with me, my YouTube channel with many free powerful live trainings as Zoom replays, articles, books... and my newest project an online TV show called FLIP it! on the free streaming platform!

​Welcome to my world of abundance and Neuro Creativity!
Experience Neuro Creative Coaching
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Enjoy Neuro Fashion Wearable Art 
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Who am I and how did I become a Neuro Creativity™ Artist, Coach, Teacher?

Born into a war-torn family...
My name is Sylvia Becker-Hill. I was born in 1967 in Düsseldorf, Germany. As an only child, I was brought up by both my parents and my mother's parents who were deeply traumatized by their experiences and suffering as refugees in the second world war. I escaped the confinement and depression of the adults around me by creating my own magical fantasy world, reading widely from an early age. 

As a teenager, I started mingling in the art scene of Düsseldorf, home to a world-famous art academy, numerous modern art museums, and avant-garde art galleries. My desire to study art was overridden by my loyalty to my parents and their advice to pursue a safe and secure career in public service. But by doing this I buried my longing for free creative self-expression in a hidden pocket of my soul.

Many years later -  in my fifties - after extensive research, education, and two university degrees in philosophy, linguistics, literature, educational science, early childhood development, administrative science, and gender studies, and over twenty-five plus years working as an executive coach and leadership trainer - I had been a pioneer of the coaching industry and the first German coach to get certified by the ICF as a Professional Certified Coach in summer of 2002 - I finally made my way back to my dream of being an artist during the covid lockdown in 2020.

I believe creativity is your birthright and suppressed creativity leads to in-authenticity, depression, and sickness. From a business and economic perspective, a famous global IBM study from 2010 among 1500+ executives worldwide identified creativity as the most important leadership competency. The growing need to manage complexity through innovation made creativity paramount for executive leadership in the current millennium.

What is
Neuro Creativity™? 

My innocent question from my early childhood "How can I make my parents happy?" turned later as an adult into a focused research around the question:

"What do we humans need to live fulfilled lives and how can we change sustainably?"

Obviously, the answers evolved in alignment with technological evolution and the progress of sciences like psychology and applied neuroscience. "Coaching" was my answer in 1997 when I launched my executive coaching business in Germany under the name "Commitment - Coaching the Passion in People".

Historically the industry of coaching started with a strong focus on "mindset changes" as the key to higher levels of success. Inspired by many old books about success principles and the philosophy of success with a touch of ethics and antique philosophy.
Then came a phase of "emotional intelligence" as being the #1 missing thing for performance improvement. That was followed by a breakthrough of books about applied neuroscience into the mainstream and "brain hacking" and "lifestyle hacking" became trends. The "how" of change - individual and of systems - with a strong focus on "habits" for the former and the rise of "systemic thinking" triggered a small avalanche of bestselling books everyone interested in self-help and personal development knew about.

Parallel the strong wall between therapy and coaching became more diffuse. Trauma research revolutionized the understanding of trauma - with differentiation small-t from big-T and PTSD from cPTSD - and more interdisciplinary connections were made between neuroscientific discoveries about the role of the subconscious mind, how decisions are made, the questions about willpower and freedom... and trauma research, attachment theory, coping mechanisms, self-sabotage, and habit creation.

Societal changes like diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender fluidity, and the acknowledgment of neuro-diversity caused huge ripple effects in the coaching world.

Coaching evolved and integrated all of that while redefining its boundaries with therapy.

Being a passionate life-long learner with an insatiable hunger for reading I kept up with most trends and invested in often 9 to 12 months-long certification programs investing over the years on top of my university degrees over half a million dollars into my education.

As a coach one of my top values was right from the beginning "sustainability". I wanted not only to coach my clients for their specific current goals but also to empower them to transform themselves into powerful liberated authentic creative vital beings. Struggling with many self-sabotaging patterns over many decades I was committed to finding the "holy grail of human change".

It became obvious to me there is no "magic pill" and no "one size fits all".

(If you go to my Amazon author profile page you'll find many books I contributed to over the past 22 years that reflect some pieces of my research and personal journey of becoming.) 

I was committed, passionate, and courageous. I added different meditation techniques, consciousness-expanding processes, and attention-management skills to my change toolbox. Finding energy methods - for example, Emotional Freedom Technique 2009 - that led to astounding fast emotional breakthroughs and tangible neuroplastic effects on my brain and that of my clients made me happy beyond words. Discovering somatic research, reconnecting my own head with the rest of my body, and being finally able to sense the inner world within my body and now being able to open this world to my clients is satisfying to an undescribable degree!
I never gave up. Confidently and curiously I kept learning, expanding my repertoire of coaching tools, and progressing with my own change-mastery...

I graduated in 2020 successfully from the Color of Women Intentional Creativity
® Program as a Certified Intentional Creativity® Teacher and in 2021 as a Certified Motherboard Intentional Creativity® Coach with Shiloh Sophia, founder of the MUSEA global art movement. I integrated Shiloh's technique as one of the three main "legs" of my proprietary framework and change-modality-mix called Neuro Creativity™.

Neuro Creativity combines Intentional Creativity with my 25+ years of diverse coaching certifications - with in recent years a strong focus on somatic coaching - with 25+ years of working with thousands of executives and business leaders worldwide with my pioneering work of rooting my coaching practice in applied neuroscience for over 20 years from which I received in recent years multiple certifications culminating in 2023 to become one of the first 10 Certified Master Neuroplasticians worldwide

Neuro Creativity™ is not a magic pill nor a one-size-fits-all approach to human change. It is the most powerful framework I know to show people how to change on all levels of their existence - mentally, emotionally, physically, actionable, and spiritually - easier, faster, and most importantly: sustainably. It consists of skills, tools, and processes.

At the core of Neuro Creativity
™ is the transformation of the person itself.
From disconnected from their source, power, freedom, energy, and love to full access to all of it.
From unconsciously fear-driven, externally distracted, and defined to present, conscious, intentional, soul-guided creative self-expression.

It is an exciting journey of discovery and expansion I am on and if you feel called to make the most out of your one glorious life, then I invite you to join me.
Certificate for Intentional Creativity Teacher Training

Who am I privately

I live with my New Zealand-born American husband and our two UCSD college-attending German-born sons in a Southern California garden paradise full of old citrus trees, hummingbirds, and wild rabbits. When I'm not empowering leaders around the world in coaching sessions using Zoom, having a small group of clients enjoying a painting playshop in my outdoor studio in my backyard, or leading a book club or philosophical discussion in my library filled with around 1500 books you will find me reading in my hammock or painting in my whimsical art studio nestled under the shade of a California pepper tree at the back of our garden.

I have a fulfilling social life with a private circle of friends, am with my husband a passionate member and sometimes facilitator of the San Diego Brain Club, and travel multiple times a year to Germany to visit my sweet mother, and to nurture relationships from my German past and with European clients. I am not a sports fan but love swimming, pilates, yoga, tap dancing, and cold water walking inspired by Dr. Sebastian Kneipp, the forefather of the naturopathic movement. My kryptonite are historic romance movies, sci-fi neuro-thrillers, and documentaries about forgotten women artists and pioneers in different fields.

I utilize modern technology like AI consciously and strategically for research and editing my many books projects and articles, while also ignoring social media and online distractions as much as possible to protect my boundaries and focus.

If you want to truly connect with me I prefer the good old telephone conversation retro style! Here you go: +1 - 248 613 8965, 9 am till 5 pm Mo till Fr

I wish you a wonderful creative day!
P.S. In case I have not yet overwhelmed you with my abundance of information and enthusiasm for human deliberate evolution, google my name "Sylvia Becker-Hill". I'm a Renaissance woman, multipotentialite, and polymath. You will find a plethora of podcast interviews with me, my YouTube channel with many free powerful live trainings as Zoom replays, articles, books... and my newest project an online TV show called FLIP it! on the free streaming platform!

​Welcome to my world of abundance and Neuro Creativity!
Experience Neuro Creative Coaching
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Enjoy Neuro Fashion Wearable Art 
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