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What happens when you combine Somatic Coaching with Applied Neuroscience and Intentional Creativity?

In my 2021 developed framework called Neuro Creativity™ I combine all my research and over 35 certifications into powerful processes that allow my clients to experience deeper change faster. 
Neuro Creativity makes instant transformation possible! Many of my clients have years sometimes decades behind them trying to change something within themselves or in their lives with more frustration over invested time, efforts, and money than satisfying results before they come to work with me.
After working with me they say things like:

"Wow, Sylvia, after just one 90-minute session I feel freer and more confident than after two years of meeting bi-weekly with my classic therapist!"  Industrial Designer
Client after a somatic release session that reconnected her with her power to create her life:

"Wow, Sylvia, after this one breakthrough session of 3.5 hours with you, I feel more empowered than after working over 10 years with Tony Robbins!"
                                            Liz Jamieson-Dunne

Coaching + Art Client Testimonial about the Effects of Neuro Creativity  

“I’m a professionally trained executive coach myself. So experiencing Sylvia using meta-cognitive drawing with me during our coaching sessions was transformational for me, because it made me realize that my issues were locked up in symbols and emotions that could not be directly spoken of, but they could be drawn or scribbled.

Creating my own visuals made the whole process more immersive for me. Because of them, I now have these drawings and images which serve as "structures" that represent the self-commitments I made during our coaching which allows me to remember and embrace these new beliefs with nothing more than a glance.

This is truly life-changing. I’m grateful for that.”
Steve Tulowitzki
Executive Coach, Elected Official, Aspiring Racial Justice Ally

The Beacon of AND 

Acrylic on canvas - 60 by 48 inches
Painting after three 90 min coaching sessions - not for sale, owned by the client.

Space Energy Shifters and 
Mood Enhancing Abstract Paintings

What do you seek? 

More abundance? More love? More peace? More creativity? More money? More energy? More joy? More...?
Whatever your current dream, the space you live in impacts how you feel, think, and act upon your goal.
Why not allow art to empower your success in reaching your dream?!

These commissioned paintings are short and yet deep coaching processes. Different from the Juicy Life Leader Archetype paintings these paintings are strong, bold, vibrant abstract paintings without a face.  I produce them after just one coaching Zoom call with you in which you become clear about a current goal, which space in your house is connected with that, which three colors are your favorites reminding you of your goal plus elicit some magic codes, abstract forms, and shapes from your personal biography... and out of all the information from you, I'll paint an intuitive guided big canvas 36 x 48 inches or 60 by 48 inches for you! The painting will be a strong messenger that shifts the energy of the room and enhances your mood in alignment with your goal.

All paintings come with an ebook including photos of the underpaintings and descriptions of the process plus a Zoom call after the painting has reached your home. During this celebratory call, I will deliver the messages of the painting to you. You get to keep a recording of the call to be able to re-listen to the sometimes poetic messages from your soul

36 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $5800.

60 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $8900.

If you feel called to work with me send me a text with your name and timezone and if you have What's App. I'm simplifying my processes and have reduced Zoom meetings to a minimum. Telephoning retro style is less exhausting for our bodies and brains!

My phone number is: +1-248 613 8965

​If you prefer email:

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

May you always express your true colors freely and joyfully!

Let love lead. Always.​™

What happens when you combine Somatic Coaching with Applied Neuroscience and Intentional Creativity?

In my 2021 developed framework called Neuro Creativity, I combine all my research and over 35 certifications into powerful processes that allow my clients to experience deeper change faster. 

Neuro Creativity makes instant transformation possible!

Many of my clients have years sometimes decades behind them trying to change something within themselves or in their lives with more frustration over invested time, efforts, and money than satisfying results before they come to work with me. After working with me they say things like:

"Wow, Sylvia, after just one 90-minute session I feel freer and more confident than after two years meeting bi-weekly with my classic therapist!"
Client after a somatic release session that reconnected her with her power to create her life:

"Wow, Sylvia, after this one breakthrough session of 3.5 hours with you, I feel more empowered than after working over 10 years with Tony Robbins!"
                                            Liz Jamieson-Dunne

Coaching + Art Client Testimonial about the Effects of Neuro Creativity  

“I’m a professionally trained executive coach myself. So experiencing Sylvia using meta-cognitive drawing with me during our coaching sessions was transformational for me, because it made me realize that my issues were locked up in symbols and emotions that could not be directly spoken of, but they could be drawn or scribbled.

Creating my own visuals made the whole process more immersive for me. Because of them, I now have these drawings and images which serve as "structures" that represent the self-commitments I made during our coaching which allows me to remember and embrace these new beliefs with nothing more than a glance.

This is truly life-changing. I’m grateful for that.”
Steve Tulowitzki
Executive Coach, Elected Official, Aspiring Racial Justice Ally

The Beacon of AND 

Acrylic on canvas - 60 by 48 inches
Painting after three 90 min coaching sessions - not for sale, owned by the client.

Space Energy Shifters and 
Mood Enhancing Abstract Paintings

What do you seek? 

More abundance? More love? More peace? More creativity? More money? More energy? More joy? More...?
Whatever your current dream, the space you live in impacts how you feel, think, and act upon your goal.
Why not allow art to empower your success in reaching your dream?!

These commissioned paintings are short and yet deep coaching processes. Different from the Juicy Life Leader Archetype paintings these paintings are strong, bold, vibrant abstract paintings without a face.  I produce them after just one coaching Zoom call with you in which you become clear about a current goal, which space in your house is connected with that, which three colors are your favorites reminding you of your goal plus elicit some magic codes, abstract forms, and shapes from your personal biography... and out of all the information from you, I'll paint an intuitive guided big canvas 36 x 48 inches or 60 by 48 inches for you! The painting will be a strong messenger that shifts the energy of the room and enhances your mood in alignment with your goal.

All paintings come with an ebook including photos of the underpaintings and descriptions of the process plus a Zoom call after the painting has reached your home. During this celebratory call, I will deliver the messages of the painting to you. You get to keep a recording of the call to be able to re-listen to the sometimes poetic messages from your soul

36 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $5800.

60 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $8900.

If you feel called to work with me send me a text with your name and timezone and if you have What's App. I'm simplifying my processes and have reduced Zoom meetings to a minimum. Telephoning retro style is less exhausting for our bodies and brains!

My phone number is: +1-248 613 8965

​If you prefer email:

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
My email address is: 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

May you always express your true colors freely and joyfully!

Let love lead. Always.​™

What happens when you combine Somatic Coaching with Applied Neuroscience and Intentional Creativity?

In my 2021 developed framework called Neuro Creativity, I combine all my research and over 35 certifications into powerful processes that allow my clients to experience deeper change faster. Neuro Creativity makes instant transformation possible! Many of my clients have years sometimes decades behind them trying to change something within themselves or in their life with more frustration over invested time, efforts, and money than satisfying results before they come to work with me. After working with me they say things like:

"Wow, Sylvia, after just one 90 minutes session I feel freer and more confident than after two years meeting bi-weekly with my classic therapist!" or: "Wow, Sylvia, after these 3.5 hours deep breakthrough session I feel more empowered than after 10 years of working with Tony Robbins!'

All coaching + art offers are customized. Click a "let's talk" button to understand details and investment options.

Magic happens for you!

Unchain Yourself

by Honoring Your Roots and Lineage 
Your integrity and authenticity as a leader depend on your ownership of your past and awareness of your design and stories which influence your decisions and actions as a leader.

Empower yourself by discovering hidden connections between current patterns in your life and old stories from your lineage, culture, and family of origin. Be surprised -

instead of haunted or weight down - how much energy the sense of being rooted in and nurtured by your past releases in you to pursue your goals and dreams!
Let's Talk
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Unleash Yourself

What Goal are you pursuing? Yet it seems to elude you for a while now.

Discover and release secret self-sabotage patterns like perfectionism, self-doubt, approval seeking, overworking,
over worrying, micro-managing ...

Discover and embrace your personal strengths as a Juicy Life Leader who not only produces results in an efficient satisfying soul-based way rather who evolves into the best version of her or his dream self.
Let's Talk
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Untame Yourself

by falling in love with your body, embrace pleasure as a guiding principle, and allow yourself unbridled self-expression!

Face the lies of your life that kept you small and tame. Rewrite stories, rules, and vows. Design your own Shangrila and paint your key to a magical life.

This is a wild process and will be a wild painting.
Warning: Courage and boldness are required for this one! (This package is for women only.)
Let's Talk
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Space Energy Shifters and 
Mood Enhancing Abstract Paintings

What do you seek? 

More abundance? More love? More peace? More creativity? More money? More energy? More joy? More...?
Whatever your current dream, the space you live in impacts how you feel, think, and act upon your goal.
Why not allow art to empower your success in reaching your dream?!

These commissioned paintings are short and yet deep coaching processes. Different from the Juicy Life Leader Archetype paintings these paintings are strong, bold, vibrant abstract paintings without a face.  I produce them after just one coaching Zoom call with you in which you become clear about a current goal, which space in your house is connected with that, which three colors are your favorites reminding you of your goal plus elicit some magic codes, abstract forms, and shapes from your personal biography... and out of all the information from you, I'll paint an intuitive guided big canvas 36 x 48 inches or 60 by 48 inches for you! The painting will be a strong messenger that shifts the energy of the room and enhances your mood in alignment with your goal.

All paintings come with an ebook including photos of the underpaintings and descriptions of the process plus a Zoom call after the painting has reached your home. During this celebratory call, I will deliver the messages of the painting to you. You get to keep a recording of the call to be able to re-listen to the sometimes poetic messages from your soul

36 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $5800.

60 x 48 inches abstract painting acrylic on canvas including services as described without shipping cost $8900.

Coaching + Art Client Testimonial about the Effects of Neuro Creativity  

“I’m a professionally trained executive coach myself. So experiencing Sylvia using meta-cognitive drawing with me during our coaching sessions was transformational for me, because it made me realize that my issues were locked up in symbols and emotions that could not be directly spoken of, but they could be drawn or scribbled.

Creating my own visuals made the whole process more immersive for me. Because of them, I now have these drawings and images which serve as "structures" that represent the self-commitments I made during our coaching which allows me to remember and embrace these new beliefs with nothing more than a glance.

This is truly life-changing. I’m grateful for that.”
Steve Tulowitzki
Executive Coach, Elected Official, Aspiring Racial Justice Ally

The Beacon of AND 

Acrylic on canvas - 60 by 48 inches
Painting after three 90 min coaching sessions - not for sale, owned by the client.
Because my creative art production process is intuitively guided and very intense for me, I work on only one coaching + art and one commissioned abstract painting at a time!

Please send me an email at if you want to be on my waiting list for the next open spot. Add in the subject line "Painting Waitlist" and tell me in your email which of the offers from this page you want. If you have questions about the process, please send those too and I'll answer them asap. I will reply with an estimate and when I think we can start your project.

My email address is: 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

May you always express your true colors freely and joyfully!

Let love lead. Always.​™